Budget Planning: Purchasing Wedding Shower Stationery
- Apr 15, 2019
Budget Planning: Purchasing Wedding Shower Stationery
Weddings are wonderful, but the months leading up to it are full of mental and financial stresses. This is equally true for the person or people in charge of planning the wedding shower.
While there are many costs associated with the shower, one area where people don't focus on, is the paper used for the party. This can add up, especially with the popularity of games during the party (Wedding Word Scramble, Vow Mad Libs, Purse Scavenger Hunt, etc.). On top of that, there's the invitations, RSVPs, and envelopes.
Planning ahead can save you a decent amount of money, which is why we provided a few ways to budget your paper costs.
Have the Guest List Finalized First: You should know exactly how many people you are going to be invited to the wedding shower before you buy invites. The wedding list and the shower list could be very different, as younger family members and friends may be attending the shower but not the wedding or people who live further distances won't be attending the shower but will be at the wedding.
If you under estimate, you'll have to order more invites, usually at a faster shipping rate, which comes with much higher costs. On the other hand, if you overestimate the amount, you will obviously be spending money on wasted invites.
Order Samples: Buying online is great, but you can't feel or truly see the product beforehand. Ordering samples gives you the confidence you need without wasting any money.
This allows you test ideas out too. Often what we see in our heads and what we create are totally different. Samples are a great stress reliever and we highly recommend it.
Purchase Combo Packs: A great way to reduce costs is to buy complimentary products that are sold together. This tends to significantly reduce costs as the packaging process takes less time, and everything is much easier to ship. For wedding shower, we recommend picking up blank invites and envelopes to keep down costs.
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Since 1995, we've hung our hats on delivering quality paper with an exceptional customer experience. When shopping with us, you'll discover a wide range of blank business cards, cardstock, stationery, greeting cards, menus, and more! If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.