Parent's Guide: Preparing for the School Year Ahead
- Aug 23, 2019
Parent's Guide: Preparing for the School Year Ahead
Since summer is almost over, now is the time to be thinking about managing the life and schedule of a full time student.
The idea of your kid(s) going back to school is joyous (oh that free time), but it is short lived. Both you and your children are going to quickly notice the days filling back up with events and homework. So while the transition seems glorious and easy on paper, this isn't always the case. The best way to face the new school year is to spend some time before the start, and prepare for the months ahead.
Here are a few tips for shifting back to school mode:
- Attend Orientations: You never know what important information you might miss out on if you don't go to these events hosted by the school. Even if it is the last thing you want to do after a long day at work, it will ultimately make your life easier (it may even give you time to prepare an excuse for you family to miss a future event - jk (kinda)).
- Buy the Supplies: Each new school year, brings new teachers with new projects, workloads, and supplies. So waiting on buying all your supplies is smart. However, there are essentials (pens, notecards, notebooks, backpacks). Get them early and look out for good deals.
- Visit the School Website: As schools become more and more tech savvy, websites become more and more vital. They provide important information throughout the year, while also building a community around the school. This can allow you to learn about teachers your child will have, what events they may enjoy, and so much more!
The school year is an exciting time for everyone (even if the kids groans, they're still a little excited). So be prepared and have fun this school year (also - enjoy those 1st few days of extra free time).
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