Greeting Cards vs Invitations – What is the difference?
- Feb 18, 2010
Greeting Cards vs Invitations – What is the difference?
You’re probably thinking.. “Everybody knows the difference between Greeting Cards and Invitations… what’s this guy talking about?”. Short and simple… We all know that greeting cards are given to people to show affection and invitations are given to people to invite them to an event.
OK. But what about their physical appearance? Is there any difference? The answer really is not clear. Many people consider invitations to be flat (non folding) cards. But others beg to differ. All agree that a greeting card has a fold. At least that clears up the problem a little!
As the web designer for all Desktop online stores, sometimes I find myself wondering if I should list a product as an Invitation or as a Greeting Card. It seems that the content and the creator’s personal preference is really the only thing that makes a product either an invitation or a greeting card. Here at Desktop, most of our products are blank- leaving it up to the consumer to make the decision!
It looks like all we can really do is let fate put our products in the right hands!
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Since 1995, we've hung our hats on delivering quality paper with an exceptional customer experience. When shopping with us, you'll discover a wide range of blank business cards, cardstock, stationery, greeting cards, menus, and more! If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.